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Or call 360-331-0141

5575 Harbor Avenue, Suite 103
Freeland, WA 98249


Whidbey Performance Physical Therapy located in Freehand WA. Serving South Whidbey, Langley, Greenbank, Clinton, Freeland, and Coupville with evidence based PT. Specializing in neck pain, back pain, bike fitting, running injuries, pelvic pain, pre-partum, post-partum, shoulder pain, and post surgical recovery. We are excited to help keep Whidbey Island active through high quality physical therapy (PT).


About Us

Clinic Philosophy/About Our Practice

Whidbey Performance Physical Therapy, PLLC is a locally owned outpatient physical therapy practice that specializes in the treatment of musculoskeletal and neuromuscular related injuries and disorders.  Our highly skilled clinicians have doctoral level education, extensive post graduate training, and are dedicated to assisting individuals in achieving their highest level of performance and function.  We provide evidence based rehabilitation and are dedicated to utilizing the most current research in our practice.   We provide one-on one treatments with a physical therapist and work as a team with our clients, their families, and their physicians to help ensure a comprehensive approach to health care. We strive to assist individuals with their unique needs and provide the highest quality of care available.